Napa Technology Blog

Blog & Articles

Wine Dispensers & How They Make a Profit: A New List of 10 Businesses that Love the WineStation

In response to Covid-19, self-serve beverage dispensers are the wave of the future, and wine is no exception. When business owners install wine dispensers in their store rooms, lobbies and dining rooms they automatically cut down on their volume of needed serving staff and, therefore, the amount of necessary human interaction. The WineStation is the only system in the world that delivers a perfectly preserved and measured glass of wine by utilizing the patented Clean-Pour dispensing head. Our...

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Thoughts on Leadership & Innovation From Napa Technology’s CEO, Nick Moezidis

At Napa Technology, over the last fifteen years, we have designed the WineStation and the WineStation Cellar to be the most advanced preservation system on the market that is not only the world’s easiest to operate beverage dispenser, but also the world’s smoothest consumer data collection technology. Before Napa Technology, there was no industry for self-serve wine. The demand for such a business didn’t exist because of the perceived mystery behind wine, but I, Napa Tech CEO Nick Moezidis, am...

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The WineStation Cellar: You Can Bring the Wine Bar Home to You

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard that, in 2020, living under a rock might be the safest place you could be.    The COVID-19 crisis does not have an end date at this time, and for now, that means all plans to meet at your favorite wine bar for a quick after-work drink have to be put on hold. This sudden change in lifestyle has been quite difficult for many people, and not being able to do regular or routine, everyday activities can be tough on your mental...

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Starting a Wine Bar Post COVID-19: You Can & You Should

The swift and unexpected spread of COVID-19 has been a devastating blow to businesses large and small. A recent study found that since the virus landed in the U.S. 43% of small business owners were forced to temporarily shut down their production while almost 2% have had to close completely due to lost revenue. It’s a scary time in the world of leadership and technology, but if history has shown us anything it’s that innovation thrives when the status quo is disrupted.   As the future...

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We’re Open! Helpful Advice to Reopen Your Restaurant

As our government and their experts continue working to flatten the curve and develop a vaccine for COVID-19, officials are also saying it’s acceptable for bars and restaurants to reopen their business for dine-in services. It’s no secret that Shelter in Place orders have made a huge impact on the restaurant industry. In March alone, there were 3% permanent restaurant closures with April hitting an additional 11%. Unfortunately, by the end of this crisis some reports say up to 15–25% of...

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Not All Heroes Wear Capes, They Wear Face Shields

As the Covid19 pandemic continues to turn life as we know it upside down, many of us are asking ourselves, “What can I do to help?”   We’ve all seen the upsetting images and heard the horrific stories of hospitals across the country overflowing with new sick patients and our healthcare workers begging for more medical supplies, and we at Napa Technology have been asking ourselves, “Literally, what can we do to help?”    We consider ourselves to be a leader in the world of technology...

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Working From Home: Creating A Safe & Productive Environment

We would like to offer some tips on creating a safe and productive office environment during this time of heightened awareness about the effects of Covid19. Like you, we are working hard to continue providing excellent service to our customers while creating a safe and healthy work environment.     This is an unprecedented time we are living in, and we’d like to extend some advice and best practices that we learned from an associate from Hong Kong, where they have been fighting the...

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Wine Flights: Five Flights Your Customers Will Love

Flights, such as wine or beer, are a growing trend in the restaurant industry. This simple tactic of offering multiple wine options in a single menu item can help expand your guests’ wine knowledge as well as offer them a unique experience. Even better, studies have shown that customers don’t mind spending a little more money on a flight than they would on an individual glass just for the experience of trying multiple options at once. Additionally, for a customer that is hesitant to spend...

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The Numbers Say it All! Calculate Your Profit Increase for 2020

How can your business save money in 2020 and increase your annual revenue? With price inflation always on the rise, it’s getting harder and harder for businesses large and small to keep their profits up and gather new customers. January is an opportune time to review how your business is spending money and evaluate ways you can avoid unnecessary profit loss.   If wine sales, particularly wine-by-the-glass (WBTG) sales, are a significant part of your business operation, our handy profit...

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Top 10 Unexpected Spaces That Have Proven Perfect for WineStation

With the new year upon us, it's time to start thinking about new and exciting ways to expand your business revenue in 2020. Did you know even if your business isn't a bar or restaurant, you can still make a decent profit from selling wine? Thanks to the easy integration and 60-day preservation guarantee of Napa Technology's WineStation, the most unlikely businesses have been able to increase their sales revenue and attract more interest for their brands by offering wines-by-the-glass for...

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